Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I don't think this photo of Raegan even needs an explanation other than MY GRANDKIDS are ALL gorgeous!!!!!!!!

A Little Christmas Attitude

Talk about a couple of kids with a 'little' bit of attitude! Here's Raegan & Dylan putting on a show for my camera - can't help but see the attitude coming through these shots. Our goal was GOOD and clean shots that the great-grandmas would like. Might have to try again, huh?

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Granddaughter Lily went home to be held by Jesus this evening. Our hearts break for her mom and dad and sister and brother who are being forced to be without her beautiful little face and special "Lily" only kind of communicating.

Please pray for Season & Dave as they go through these next few days, weeks, months and years, for each day will carry it's own challenge.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The sign-in board

Here is Bill signing in on the board for Lily - a tradition we've had for anyone who comes to visit for the first time to our house. Bill has been sick with lung congestion he can't seem to shake, so he isn't visiting Lily, doesn't want to make her sick with this on top of everything else. We don't know if she will ever make it out of her own comfy home to visit anyone, but as you can see she's impacted our lives deeply - and here's her grandpa's way of showing how much he loves her.

Lily - The Fighter

Here's Season and Lily Friday morning before they removed the oxygen. Their love for her has beaten out their initial fear of taking her home, they are being so very strong. They have brought in hospice care, which is giving them some comfort. This little girl is a fighter, coming through each episode. We are thankful for every day the Lord gives us all to enjoy her.