On our way up to NW Iowa, we stopped in David City for Schaecher's auction. It was HUGE to say the least. If they had all that stuff in their house (our house, giggle) they'd have had to have it packed pretty darned good. I think you all would have gotten a kick out of it actually. They were nice enough to bring up the items we wanted to bid on before noon so we could scoot out of there. We ended up with the items we went to try and get. This is the painting of Season that is now probably 25 years old painted by Ruth ($40); it sits on the highchair of our YOUTH, advertised as being over 70 years old! How does that make us feel? ($45) and in perfect condition; behind the painting is the framed piece that dad got as a kid in gradeschool ($5); the embroidered table covering Ruth got later in the auction for us ($5); and Bill ended up with a treasure of his own - an iron clown bank. It was a great start to a wonderful week for us both.

Here is Indiana Greg and Bill with their catch from a morning fishing trip. He was our new neighbor this year in the 'toasters'. We enjoyed Greg and his wife Patty.

Then of course, what would be a trip to Okoboji without some fun with family. Here are the guys at Mike and Joan's house during the stinky Husker game. This one is off my phone camera so quality isn't superb, but you get the drift - we were having a VERY good time!
Here is Bill, Kim and Mike.
After the game, the guys must have felt like getting pretty, so out came the Dyson vacuum and the ever present Payzant FlowBee - time for haircuts. Mike did a great job on both Kim and Bill, but boy did we laugh at the timing of this event. Maybe they just wanted to at least look good when they LOST in bowling on Wii that evening against the gals. Huh?
(another cell phone photo)
Sunday morning we woke up to this gorgeous scene off our deck. Doesn't get a whole lot better than that for us.
While hooking up the boat Sunday morning, I was getting back in the driver's seat and this image hit me of what's been hanging off our rearview mirror for almost 4 years. It took my breath away. Maybe you had to be there, but it caught me off guard.

And I finally took this photo of one thing I started and almost finished while there: a baby sweater for no one. I just loved the pattern and did it in a cotton/cashmere blend. As you can tell, it needs the sleeves sewn in and cute buttons down the side and a good blocking. Then what? I don't know. But it was sure fun. Did you notice that there are leaves on the front? Does that shock any of you? :)

All in all, this was a fantastic trip, full of relaxing, napping, fishing, knitting (most of what I can't show you), good food and wonderful family and new friends.