Back to Nebraska and thunderstorms and torrential rains. The pond is spilling over, but hasn't spilled over the 'garnishment' that Dylan left for us to retrieve. *sigh* It is good to be home in some respects, but it's always hard to leave my favorite place in Iowa. The weather held out pretty good most of the week till Thursday when it got cold and threatened rain. But Bill caught a ton of fish at the beginning of the week, but had to leave the boat parked the last part of the week due to winds and whitecaps on the lake.
One of the hardest things was to be without internet there. I drove around for nearly an hour on Tuesday just to find an internet cafe' and found the best coffee shop in Milford, Iowa that I didn't even know existed. Wonderful coffee and wi-fi. It was heaven on many levels; soothing music, visiting with my sister on the computer, incredible coffee and a chance to upload my accomplishments for the week to my paper site. Have to remember this is a tourist area and because we visit off-season there are limited shops open and some restaurants keep odd hours. I did visit the Three Sons one more time while in Milford, and it will be my last. It's sad, but not only are the clothes still too expensive, I'm becoming too old for many of the styles. So I saved a ton of money this time and just got myself some workout pants at Walmart! Yes, WALMART! Felt good and just my style, a bit on the relaxed side (and fit my ever present grandmotherly figure).
When we got home we unloaded and I took Shawna to our Walmart (the ghetto one) to let her pick out her own thank you gift for watching the dogs all week. That saved a ton of money, too. We had a BLAST walking the aisles and doing gal things together. She has such a sweet spirit and didn't want anything for dog-sitting, but she found a great pair of sandals for herself. One pair of sandals equals one day of professional dog-sitting. Good deal, I think.
Anyway, today is a re-organizing day for me. With all the rain, there can be no yard work for a day or two. The little kids are with their dad today, so the house is quiet and the coffee is on. May be a good day to sit and write, too. Lots in my head and my heart from the week.