OK, enough was enough. Thought it was the old 'menopause' thing going on and was honestly hoping so. But doctor confirmed I'm not old in that way yet. :) All those issues are more than likely stress related. OK, I'll deal with it. Then she went on to say that my cholesterol and triglicerides were messed up, when just a year ago they were great for my life insurance physical. Weird. But okay. Onward and upward. I no longer will fall back on the "I'm a Smith girl" and will live to 90 years old. It's going to take a lot of work and a new mindset. And I don't see anyone else out there who will take care of me, but ME. I will go back and see the doc in 8 weeks, hopefully with better levels and a better lifestyle choice. She also said she'd prescribe something rather pricey if I can't quit smoking before I see her again, but I've given myself a 2 week plan in that area. So off I go to the internet, going to learn what I can about this stuff and try to get it right.
You'd all be proud of me tho, I used the treatmill last night and did a dance video (which I found I totally sucked at, crap). House was empty, kids at the park, so cranked the oldies rock station up and sewed one (patriotic one)
of the 7 dresses for Raegan. Came out too big, but we'll downsize the rest of them. Hey, at least I didn't turn the TV on, right?

By the way......
Best of luck with your lifestyle changes! You're in my thoughts.
You can do it Karen! Don't forget that you DO have a support system. Use us any time!
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