The opportunity came to take TODAY and get a little more done on finding my art, stuff, yarns... because this week there will be absolutely no time for any of it. And of course, we just made plans to get even more work done next weekend on things, so..... I wanted to share some of the most precious 'things' I have been able to keep hold of. In other words, I didn't have to give these up with all our transitioning over the past two years. Now go ahead and make fun of me, most people do when it comes to this, but I'm a big girl and can take it. :)There are many stories that go with each object I'm going to share over the next couple of weeks. There is no way on EARTH that I could expound on the entire collection I've kept... so for now I'm going to show you how my sewing room just became MINE. I find great peace, enjoyment, and family in every object I'm going to share.
So today is the whole deal - the big picture - the big kahuna - the whole ball of wax - the full meal deal... I will break it all down as time permits and share why each one is important and why I'm grateful the Lord has allowed me to keep these small treasures.

OK, I know... it's a lot of junk to take in at one time. But these little dudes and dudettes have been in hiding for too long. I'd see them peeking out of their bag every time I'd walk through our garage (slash storage unit) begging for a place in my space. And now that I HAVE a space, they have come back to life and it was so fun to think of each meaning and story as I set them out on the bed. NOW this is my room, my personal sanctuary for my creative side. Just look at all the friends who have come to join me now!
And this finally made it to the place it belonged - right by my head in my recliner I've now been able to claim back as mine.

The portrait of Tyler painted by my mother-in-law, his grandma.
Done from a photo taken the Thanksgiving weekend when he went home to be with the Lord.
It's awesome - and according to her, very cathartic and something she felt she needed to do.
More stories to follow - come on now, follow this thread as we laugh, cry, and just have fun telling all kinds of tales.
It's priceless.
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