More Knittin'
This is the latest project that is amost completed. Very very cool felted wool purse hanging up to dry while I get the embelishment finished. It's fun to see the bag start out so horribly big, but after giving it a good spin in the washing machine it comes out small, thick and darned CUTE! Have to figure out a good strap for this, the book calls for a chain, but think I'd like to figure out something different. I'm up for good ideas, folks! Season - you have this pattern and you would LOVE doing it! Or is this going to have to be your Christmas present? hee hee Can't wait to line it, too.
Here's a suggestion for the handle, it's one I've used on another felted bag and I really liked the results I got.
CO 7 sts. {Turn work, K4, yarn forward, sl3 sts purlwise.] Repeat instructions between [] until desired length.
Work last row as:
K2tog, K1, BO 1 st, K1, BI 1 st, P2tog, Bo 1 st. Cut yarn, thread through last st to secure.
Do a swatch and see if you like how it looks, it felts up nicely.
oooooooooo, sounds heavenly! I will give that a try - thanks, Marsh!
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