I had been cleaning enough, so had to sit down and find a way to use some more of my 'buck' yarn from Spirit Lake, so just wanted to share.
Here is the beginning of a purse I think Shawna may like at Christmas - or not. But it's so much fun finding things to do with such CHEAP stash I have. Bill has even suggested some tips on how to make the purse handles sturdier, but that's going to be my secret because it WILL work.
You may notice that cute little Lucy & Desi purse on the laptop, that was a gift from Sue (my sista from anotha mutha) after their trip up the California coast. I don't know why, but she said that when they were in Hollywood, she saw this, thought of me, and brought it back.
Little does she know that this will be in all my needlework photos from now on. It will show that what I'm posting is really from me and not something stolen from the web! Like you all worried about that.

I also finished another scarf, this one is a hot pink, same pattern as before and absolutely beautiful.
What about Joan? I think SHE'LL like it for Christmas!!
OK, babe, it's yours it you really want it!!!!!!!!
How about Jane? She would like it too LOL. I've been wanting to make that purse - have to put it in my 'queue'. Love the scarf too- and the Luci and Desi purse is adorable.
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