Friday, December 28, 2007

I Just Saved a Ton of Money...

After reviewing the Hobby Lobby ad for this week, there was some intriguing sales going on in their yarn department. Some of the six buck yarn was on sale for 99 cents! YIKES! So in my travels of delivering and picking up this morning, I stopped there to see what could possibly be left of such a great sale. Well, not much to be honest. Got there too late in the week. But there were still a couple great colors left so instead of spending $84 I got it all for $14!!! Now THAT'S a deal! Keep watching for new bags to come up soon - I'm excited to try out some new ideas.

PLUS - my bestest friend stopped at my office late yesterday to drop off a Christmas gift. It was a replica of the 1961 BARBIE "Queen of the Prom" game!!! Now how fun is that?!? I've already made a tentative date to play a few good rounds of finding a good boyfriend with my daughter and granddaughter. Even Bill said last night he'll play a game with me New Year's Eve. I hope I don't get Poindexter. :) Not to mention the new addition to my Barbie collection from the Epps this Christmas..........

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Bye Bye Boyfriend!

Arrivederci Boyfriend

Many blessing happened over this Christmas season, including the sale of a third bag off of Etsy. The Boyfriend didn't stick around very long, but hope he enjoys his new home in Illinois.


A Swedish Goodbye

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Butterfly Cable Shoulder Bag - DONE!

I'm working (maybe you can tell) at getting the bags OFF the needles and into Etsy to sell. Maybe I was a little crazy today in finishing two of them up, but now I can concentrate on my real job the rest of the week.

"Fork In The Road" Completed

My "Fork In The Road" Cable Bag got finished up this morning during a couple "The Christmas Story" movies in a row. Made time go pretty fast actually. Here's the end result on a very quiet Christmas day at our house.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Changed Name - New Bag

Introducing - "My Boyfriend's Sweater" Cable Original Design Handbag - by The TygerLily. Of course, here's the guts.....
Once I got it put together, it took on another name all on it's own. This name is more appropriate than 'diamonds'. Close up of his belly. :)


Woke up to a wonderful e-mail telling me of another sale on Etsy! The Formal Boot Bag will be getting shipped out today, along with a LONG day to follow of finishing up the guts of 2 more bags and plugging away at the three that are on the needles. Wish the Boot Bag was my own design, but unfortunately it was from a pattern. None the less, it was a great bag! Hope she will enjoy her new Massachusetts home.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Wishbone Winner 2007

Grandpa was smart this year and dried the turkey wishbone out overnight for the Gray's to have fun with today for Christmas dinner. Here are Dylan and Raegan being patient so granny can grab a quick picture...... And here is the WINNER of the wishbone wish this year. DYLAN!!! He just liked the idea he had a bigger piece than his sister. Didn't care about wishing anything. What a hoot!

Two More On the Needles

Here are a couple more designs from my head on to needles that have kept me off the streets. :) "Crab Claw" Cable
Evening Style Bag

"Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" Cable

Daytime Style Bag

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bye Bye Wishbone

I'm still in an elated state of shock - The Wishbone has been sold! Here is my farewell pic..... I will miss her. Hope she likes her new home.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Got the Name!

I appreciate the help in naming the new bag design, and decided to call it.....
Fork In The Road Cable
JUST in case I sell this pattern, wanted to keep color names out of it for now. :) It's about 65% finished, thinking about handle design now, and then I'll post it when it is finished.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Little Break

"Heartstrings" is quite labor intensive and I needed a break from it. So what do I do, but start another one with a much simpler design. Still dinking with a name, I have too many for this one. Maybe I'll let you guys try and name it for me! This is NOT orange like the photo tends to make it appear, but a great HUSKER red, so don't be fooled. Got to watch a great movie with George C. Scott doing this back, "A Christmas Carol". One of the best ones made.

Friday, December 14, 2007

SO Close!!

I almost sold BlueBelle last night to a business associate and friend who is Christmas shopping for his wife. He wanted to pay me at the office without even seeing it, but I convinced him he needed to see it for real before he buys it. So he drove up to the house (he's from the Hickman area) and he looked at all of them, but he confirmed one of my biggest fears........ just not big enough for his nurse wife. SHOOT! :) He felt bad, but I don't because this time I got good 'guy' feedback and that's important if I want to actually sell these. Bill got in there and tried to sell it, saying it was good for going out in the evenings when the gals don't feel they have to take the whole house with 'em. LOL Forever the salesman, huh? So now HeartStrings is going to get worked on hard this weekend so he can see a bigger purse........ he really wants to buy one! Kind of a nice little boost.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Have No Name for This Post

Yesterday, as I was at the main post office mailing out eBay things, I happened to glance at the young man standing at the next window.... my eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing, my heart took a dive. He looked so much like Tyler, I couldn't stop staring. I hope my chin didn't obviously appear to be on the floor, but there are times when this happens. I watched him talk, watched his eyes, watched his mannerisms, the way he wore his cap........... it's just those kind of bittersweet moments that seem to keep all the good, and the sad, still very real.

I know this story is not a strange one for people who have lost a child, or to those who have lost any loved one. But it keeps life in focus, on what is really important, and that is family - those you love.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tugging On My "Heart Strings"

The beginnings of a new bag - all in my head and morphing as I go. This one is "Heart Strings" and as it comes along, you'll be able to see why the name. The first heart cable is sort of apparent in the center, but just not REAL clear as there is so much other activity going on around it. Isn't that true of our real hearts anyway? :) Keep watching as it slowly makes its way into being a true one of a kind handbag, purse, tote, carry-all, whatever! Who knows! No time to work on it tonight and tomorrow is bleak as 'old man' poker is at our house Friday and the poker area needs to be rid of my very important things. So CLEAN UP is tomorrow night! YIKES! Bill said he would help, and he means well, BUT..... I think maybe some of you understand that when things are in piles, it doesn't necessarily mean it's unorganized, right? I will get to knit while the 'old men' are over Friday. Makes a perfect time for Law & Order (whichever version) and yarn.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


After getting a call this morning from the guys in the shop telling me to stay home, that the ice wasn't a good fit for the van this morning, I got busy! Here she is, all finished. She's a little longer and less in width than the Wishbone. The depth on this gal is much more pleasant.
The BlueBelle, flat...
The BlueBelle, top shot... The BlueBelle - side shot (gotta show off her label!)...
BlueBelle with flash.....
The top on this one fits the hardware much nicer and she has a double lining to hold the old gal up better.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

"BlueBelle" Beginning

The beginning of a new bag, a little different from the other. Lessons learned, trying some new things with this one. Abby helped me pick out this color for purses, too. She's a great shopper and helper. I call this one BlueBelle because once it is blocked, flower shapes hopefully will come out and show themselves. Isn't the color luscious? Probably should take that super shopper Abby with me more often! This one will be deeper and thinking of using TimTex for the interfacing which would make it MUCH sturdier. Just thinking out loud.

A Few More Weekend FO's

A few more projects actually finished. No brainers. Ready for a TygerLily wrap!

"Wishbone" Bag Done!

The Front....
The Back....
Side View #1......
Top View....
Completed! I learned a LOT doing this one.

Parts and Pieces

Here are FINALLY some parts to the purse design I'm working on. Now comes the part I don't like and that's actually sewing the bag together, making it workable and usable. Sure am hoping what I see in my mind will come out that way in 'real life'. I will post when it's complete - I will need your feedback!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Please Pray for Omaha Families

A horrible shooting at Westroads Mall in Omaha has occurred just this afternoon. It has hit the national news. It is devastating to so many families to say the least. Please keep all of these families in your thoughts and prayers - this has to be so overwhelming for each and every one of them. Devastating.
I cannot even comprehend it all. It is too close to home and family.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Final TygerLily Wrap

OK, I wanted color wraps, so I redid one to see if I liked it better than the black and white ones I felt I was stuck with. It's a definite YES. This is perfect and this proto-type worked great. The next one tho, I'll cut a little better. People just shouldn't put their excellent photography on Flickr for me to look at and admire and USE! Any suggestions folks? Here's the design flat from the computer........... really pretty isn't it. Think I love it.
Hey, how'd these guys get in here? Who's been on my 'puter?

Monday, December 03, 2007

Looks Like CSI, Lincoln Style

After running back into the shop last Friday afternoon to grab something or answer a question that was getting asked, who knows now, the old lady fell. Yep, tripped right over the dog who was guarding the door. I knew he was there, just had forgotten. Poor guy, he sure cushioned her fall tho, bless his little heart. Luckily, Kodiak did not get hurt.

So this is what I found when I walked in the back door to work this morning!!!! I about died laughing and this was the BEST part of the whole day for sure. Here comes Marvin, the new guy who made up the "crime scene" after I left Friday, and then cringing that I might be angry he did it.... but everyone assured him that it would be a great laugh and definitely NO hard feelings! He saw I was going to take a picture and wanted to fix my head that had gotten stepped on all day. What a kind employee, huh?
And of course, the boo boo area he marked with a red X. Pretty creative I thought! Just a banged up elbow, I can still knit! I know you were all pretty worried about that part.
So Season, do you think the old 'I've fallen and can't get up' lady could have a homemade cupcake to make everything be better? With frosting, set into a big pan of Joan's "Beat Like Hell" fudge? HUH?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Finally More FO's

Wish I had more to share than these for being finished, but it's something. I keep finding so many things to get rid of that eBay is keeping me busier than planned, not giving myself much time to work on gifts and ideas. Wish I could blame in on OCD!
Hope that everyone weathered the local icy conditions yesterday and enjoyed the light powder snow this morning.
Two grandkids spent the night and had to tollerate my breakfast cooking this morning, but as of right now we are still in our jammies, watching Christmas movies and cutting and gluing some great leftover cutout turkey pictures.
Blessed December Sunday to everyone who visits.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

No Christmas Parade Today

Well, the city made a good call and cancelled the parade - weather is just crappy. Guess I'll just KNIT!!!! Be safe out there everyone.

December is HERE!

OK, December is upon us which means Christmas is just around the corner once again. It will be mostly a handmade Christmas this year, except for a buttar (guitar) for Hunter because he misses Dylan's tootar (guitar) that used to be at our house, and a toy of some kind for each of the others.

So get a load of this overgrown TygerLily corner, and this is just the tip of the iceburg as I'm too ashamed to post a photo of what the actual craft room looks like! YIKES! (Season, you've been there, saw it, and you were kind in not telling me to get that junk cleaned up) As I've said before, Bill has been so supportive of me getting some kind of thing going to sell bags and purses.

Being the first weekend in December also means it's the Star City Parade today! I stuck my nose out at 5 this morning to let the dogs do their thing and my heart immediately went out to all those involved in the parade. It is MISERABLE out there! Rainy, cold, supposed to snow - the whole shabang. I can't imagine playing a cold instrument or trying to look princess-like on a float in this junk (well, or anywhere for that matter!). But I will be a faithful Lincolnite and watch it on TV in the comfort of my home. Unless the satellite is still out like it is now, due to weather.

We've made much progress in getting a goodly portion of my crafts sold on eBay. I even found more junk I'd stashed under our bed this week that I'd forgotten about. Hello, my name is Karen, and I am a stashaholic.... well, let's say a RECOVERING one because I'm purging it all OUT! YEAH!!!!! I just pray God will allow me to keep my paper and yarn though!

Time to get more on eBay, to enjoy another cup of coffee, to watch this winter weather roll in and get this weekend off to a productive start.