Do any of you out there ever just sit back and contemplate what's happening around you? Your life, your circumstances, your family or why you look at things the way you do? If I could write everything that has passed through my head this week on this one post, I'm thinking it could be a mile long......
One of these days, my husband and I will have our lives back. Yes, that's a selfish thought, but we are on the back end of life and we truly wish we could just enjoy each other. One evening out this week, to a meaningful event, has only solidified our feelings.
Watching, watching, waiting, waiting.....
One day, and we pray soon, my true love will be out fishing again - enjoying his time and his friends and family; getting involved more deeply in the things he knows are important to his life. Along side that will be having a house back in order. A poor home, but one with heat, light, and creativity once again.
You know the term "letting the cat out of the bag"? On a different twist to the saying, we are the cats in that bag and when the day comes when we are released, I can only see light and joy; organization; our marriage taking the front seat again; priorities getting put back where they belong. It has been a long time. We are anxious for the next chapter in our lives to be written because we aren't ready for the epilogue yet.
The first steps have been taken.......
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