I don't know if DD#1 will ever really know how much she has helped me the past few weeks and months. Faith issues and what has turned into a bitterness I can't stand about me has come like the Black Plague. But this woman, who has suffered such loss in her own life, keeps on hacking at me (she doesn't know she does this) and loving me through some pretty desperate times. OK, hacking might not be the best word to use, but the things she has done, says and shows HACK at my angry heart. She's like the lumberjack trying to clear a path and open my heart up again to life.
Please take the time to check out this link and read the sermon transcript from April 6th, 2008. She has reminded me numerous times since then to check it out, listen to it, read it, get the CD. This hit HER heart hard, and to be honest it hit mine incredibly hard this morning as I skimmed over it. I am not shocked that their pastor got a standing ovation for this one.
My daughter is a woman of faith, hope and a generous love which she will be greatly rewarded for by her King.
After the day I've had today, I needed to read your post! Thanks for letting me "hack" at you. (which by the way I didn't know I was doing-but you know I'm here to help;) I love you and am always praying for you! It is amazing how God uses people to open up your eyes to things that bring in the WOW factor! I hope that you know that watching you and dad go through tough times has taught me so much too! Anything is possible through Christ! Everything is possible through Christ! He gets us through it all we just got to let Him take control! You Rock! Sweet dreams! Talk tomorrow! XOXOXO
I think this post is one of the nicest tributes that I've seen for a daughter. God bless you and her. She is inspired to live her life by watching you in yours, Karen. You are a wonderful person and she (we all) sees God's presence in you. Blessings! Carole
After the day I've had today, I needed to read your post! Thanks for letting me "hack" at you. (which by the way I didn't know I was doing-but you know I'm here to help;) I love you and am always praying for you! It is amazing how God uses people to open up your eyes to things that bring in the WOW factor! I hope that you know that watching you and dad go through tough times has taught me so much too! Anything is possible through Christ! Everything is possible through Christ! He gets us through it all we just got to let Him take control! You Rock! Sweet dreams! Talk tomorrow! XOXOXO
I think this post is one of the nicest tributes that I've seen for a daughter. God bless you and her. She is inspired to live her life by watching you in yours, Karen. You are a wonderful person and she (we all) sees God's presence in you. Blessings!
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