Thursday, June 12, 2008

No Worries

Even though I posted such horrid flooding photos last night, within an hour of the photos, all the water had receded and all was fine. No water in basement OR shop! Last time the shop flooded and now carpets need to be shampooed. Any volunteers? LOL

Off to the store this noon (lunch break) to find yarn that will suit the needs of Australia. I've demo-ed too many bright colors, so back to the drawing board with subtle tweeds. Keep your fingers crossed that I can find something suitable in the incredibly SMALL market we have locally. But who knows what I'll find - could be fun and interesting.

Any guesses on who this gal is? Yeah, not the blondie that we're used to seeing.

EDIT: This is what happens when your daughter's best friend is an aspiring model and they go off to other lands to experiment - drastically. She still has her daddy's eyes and heart to admire. What more could anyone want.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Those pretty eyes and smile are unmistakable.