Decided to order the color I tried subbing in the Icelandic Shawl as they had been out when I originally ordered. The blue in the picture of yarn I posted earlier just bothered me. They e-mailed me this weekend saying the medium gray was available now, so I'm on hold till that comes in. Which is fine.
I need to think of something to knit in red, for the women's heart disease awareness. Any ideas on something that would be simple and I could give away?
The weekend was terrific. Along with babies and soccer, we did go to the State Fair and had a riot!!!!! We enjoyed the Nebraska Lottery booth where I got to show that an old lady CAN play Guitar Hero and beat the youngin's once in awhile. I got 2 free scratch off lottery tickets just for playing the way I did! WoooooHOOOOOO We have never really gone alone without small children, and we have to say that evaluating all we did on our drive home, we have one heck of a great time. :)
Hope all of you are doing good.
My new apartment is screaming for some color. Sure can use them.
Sister Sister
Karen,have you done the Limey Shadow Dishcloth for Sept yet? That is really unique!
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