The felted purse below is one I bought yarn for with Carole on Saturday. I finished it yesterday and put a crocheted cabbage rose on the front for fun. I've never felted anything before, and I actually LIKED it! Purse is too small for me, but it will make a good gift for someone. I did mine in green and brown. It is still drying this morning when I left for work - must be the wool factor in it. Since I know I like this effect I'll have to do more investigating on how to shape after washing. This is so small that I shaped it with a mini-phonebook. :)
This is the 15 year project written about earlier. The yarn should hopefully arrive from New York in the next day or two, and I spent the money to have good needles sent in, too. All in all, it's still around half of what I had envisioned it to cost even counting all the shipping and whatnot. Both my sisters had awesome input on this, even Bill did. So as soon as it all comes in and I get something visible done I'll update you all with the real thing.
This doll/baby project is just a fun one that I found through a friend on Facebook. The woman I met does incredible work and was very inspiring that I could do one, too. If it doesn't go to some grandchild (if there are more) it will look wonderful on my own baby doll that Donna used in a high school play to play the baby Jesus (minus the mustache that got drawn on her). Doing this in yellow, because I had it on hand, so we'll call it lemon meringue.
The LincolnKnitters meeting on Saturday was interesting. Met a lot of addicted women like me, all ages which was so nice to see. There were a couple of sock knitters and they swore they'd get me to try some soon. I just laughed at 'em. :) This group is a chapter of the national group, so if I want to continue on that means joining the TKGA with dues and stuff. Still thinking on that one.
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