Are any of you American Idol fans? We've been addicted for 7 years..... so here is our #1 pick (out of the 12) for now in the Season 7 'guy' arena........ (this may change as the season wears on)

Was this kid entertaining or WHAT? There were a close second to him, but for now we really like that Texas boy, Jason.
Girls are on tonight!!!
I'm all about Michael that Aussie accent!
I thought Castro retired.
Ok, so this was the first week I've watched AI this season....(I can't the the prelims anymore). I was impressed this season on the number of ones that can actually sing. But here's my favorite so far: David Archuleta, Michael John, Jason Castro. For the girls: Brooke White, Ramiele Malubay, Carly Smithson. And as we know, it's early.....
We are playing at work and our department pick Jason to win. We also voted that Amy, Kady, Chikezie & Luke would be voted off, we only got Amy right. so right now we are tied for 8th place out of 10 departments!
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