We were so blessed to have daughter #1 and her two kids come to the new shop on Saturday to help out a little bit and maybe even snag a little fun in here and there. Obviously Grandpa found time to give some rides on one of the carts......
Is that Abby getting ready to become a parade float queen? I think so! Hunter is waving, too, but I think he was more interested in not falling off the front of the cart.

A & H ham it up for me as grandpa gives them a ride on the forklife. Then Hunter got interested when they started to lift all the grocery store sign paper.......... Abby is still smiling for the camera. What a gal!
When they got done riding, all we could hear up front was Hunter shouting at the top of his voice, "Grandpa!!! That was AWESOME!!!!!" Oh, to be four years old again. Made our day. It was a fabulous day and through all the fun, we got a lot of work done, too.

Wow! That sounds like super fun! We have forklift at work as well, but I certainly don't get to ride on it. I just hope I was never hit by it!!!
Cool! Little do they know they're being groomed to work there in a few years...huh?
I see "fwampa" is eating good. LOL
So cool that they had so much fun -- all three of them. And the new digs look HUGE!!
I'm with Robin....I can see the future all laid out...they'll be some good 'summer helpers' too :)
I can't believe how good the shop looks. DH must have put in some serious hours to get it looking this good before the move in.
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