Check this out! It's been paying off to blog a little more and join some other communities. Even though the registrations were closed at PatternMart, I was still able to get in after getting a return e-mail back from the site management to GO AHEAD! Wooo HOOOOO How about them apples!?! So now I've been able to get my Wishbone pattern up for sale in two spots. Not too shabby. Check it out when you have a minute. Go to PatternMart.com and search for "wishbone" and there it is! It's the only knitting pattern in the bag catagory. Not sure if that's good or bad yet, but time will tell. One has to keep trying, right?
Great marketing. You will do well.
Wahoo!! Congrats on the pattern and marketing. Now all you have to do is wait for the monies to start rolling in...teehee.
Well it is a fantastic bag! I absolutely adore it. :) I kind of want a larger one so get working on that will ya? lol =D I can't wait to get my new wallet so I can take photos and show you how cool it is! I'm going to blog it on my blog too. Woohoo!!!
You and 20 other people who have asked for the same thing! LOL Beware - a deeper one will be coming soon to an Etsy store near you. :)
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