This blue one is the pattern picture, I don't have shots yet of what I'm doing. This one is called Blue Jeans Lace Diamond Shawl I found on Ravelry for free. Working it up in a handspun purple and blue hued yarn. It's actually coming out pretty cool.

Then there is this Diamond Lace Shawl I found the pattern for on the Lion Brand site. Doing this out of a discontinued yarn I have a ton of called Moda Dea Tutu in white and is it ever springy and fresh looking. About half way done with it so this gift should hit the right recipient THIS year. :)
I'm kind of liking the shawl deal. They are so pretty and even a little challenging. Like I always say, it keeps me out of trouble and off the street corner! LOL
I love doing shawls too. They can be challenging......I'm over there fussing about a 'missing' stitch and Mr. C says 'you're having fun right????' LOL
Can't wait to see the results!
ooooo Gorgeous! :)
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