Even though it was one very tough week with DH being home sick (yes, we work together if you hadn't noticed by now) and me trying to handle it all calmly (HA!) - I've still come up blessed in my TygerLily venture just when I thought 'uninspired' was becoming my middle name. The decision not to enter my design on the contest has already paid off, not only in a couple of pattern sales, but just having the knowledge that there are people out there who honestly want
to try my designs! It's gratifying, and yet very humbling. It has sparked new life into my bag ideas, even though it's not winter. One probably shouldn't care what season it is if an idea crosses your brain. I didn't sleep that great because of all these ideas that were running in my head again for new designs, etc., so, true to form, I started a new design in the middle of the night while watching my all time favorite chick flick "Steel Magnolias". (I know, the acting isn't that great and Sally can get on one's nerves after awhile, but the last half hour is why I watch it. I scream in the cemetery right along with Sally Field.)

I went to work anyway this morning, even tho my knitting needles were still screaming to be used, only to find the DSL was down. OK, there's a story here. Yesterday when one of our vendors was backing up their semi, they proceeded to rip the telephone wires completely off the side of our buildng! OK, now you know we are in a very old part of town. :) Our glorious telephone company was out to repair mid-afternoon as I wasn't in emergency mode as we had our fax, internet and roll-over lines working. Only our main number was down. I can live with that. I wasn't around when they finished the repair (was doing my half of the closing on the building) and assumed all was good when I got back to the office to pick up my final round of business related errands. ONE SHOULD NEVER ASSUME! LOL So after 1-1/2 hours trying to get into the repair line this morning (always busy) I gave up, got some groceries, meds for DH, and came home. Could this be God's way of telling me to take a day away from the office? :)
Anyway, I know wordy blog posts are boring........ but just remember, there could be new bags to see in the very near future! Who knows what tomorrow will bring, right?
I LOVE that movie.....being from the south, I almost have to...HA! And both my DH and I can quote WAAYYY too much of that movie. It really has some great lines. My favorite....'an ounce of pretention is worth a pound of manure!' LOL
Of course I want your designs!! Who wouldn't!! I can't wait until they are available for purchase. Looking forward to it.
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